The main research focus of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Laboratory (AIR Lab) at Istanbul Technical University (ITU) is building intelligent systems by developing and applying artificial intelligence methods and algorithms. The laboratory is running several projects on intelligent robot/agent systems.

Main research topics of AIR Lab:
  • Scene Analysis methods for Cognitive Robots
  • Automated Reasoning and Planning Methods for Cognitive Robots
  • Learning in Cognitive Robots
  • AI methods in video games
  • Multirobot systems, Robot-Sensor Systems


1 Nov 24 Cağatay Koç (co-supervised with Sinan Kalkan) has successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Object-Aware Interactive Perception". Congrats! 🎉
15 Mar 24 Our recent paper has been accepted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems. A big congrats to Çağatay Koç 🎉
29 Nov 23 Our recent paper has been accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). A big congrats to Arda Inceoglu 🎉
20 Sep 23 Our recent paper has been accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L). A big congrats to A. Cihan Ak 🎉
31 Oct 19 Our new TUBITAK project has been accepted for funding.